Home » » Pelecing Ayam (Chicken Pelecing)

Pelecing Ayam (Chicken Pelecing)

Pelecing Ayam is a dish typical of Lombok . Made this chicken dish has a spicy and sour flavors . Curious about the taste ?

Soo let make its

Ingredients Chicken pelecing : 
1 medium-sized young chicken
4 tablespoons of cooking oil , 
3 pieces limau,

Spices that are :

4 pieces Garlic , 
9 pieces of red chili , 
5-10 Cayenne pepper fruit , 
1/2 teaspoon Terasi cooked , 

How to make 

  1. Clean the chicken , remove the sides of the chest and stomach contents if it is still there .
  2. Spread the chicken body ( bekakak shape ) , with a bamboo skewer .
  3. Grilled chicken over coals / charcoal until cooked . Lift .
  4. Mix the ground spices , cooking oil and 3 fruit juice limau juice and stir well .
  5. Brush the chicken with the spice mixture until blended smooth . Bake until chicken while smeared with dried seasonings and pervasive . Remove and serve warm chicken pelecing .
  6. Serve with white rice

This is Terasi (shrimp/seafood paste)

This is Limau (a little lemon from indonesia)


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