Bandrek is warm drink of Bandung. Made of much spices. Very rich taste and special aroma.  And very important, Many benefit for our body. Especially for sore throat or influenza.

Let's make it


  • 4 cups water or 1 liter of water
  • Ginger 100 grams  Burned - crushed
  • 2 stalk lemongrass - crushed
  • crushed pepper ½ spoon
  • Salt ½ tsp
  • Palm Sugar 300 grams (3 ounces) - Sliced
  • ½ teaspoon Cengkeh (cloves)
  • Pandan leaves 2 pieces
  • Cinnamon 4 cm

How to make a drink bandrek

  • Combine crushed ginger, pandan leaves, cinnamon, brown sugar, and salt in a saucepan
  • add water and  Boiling, Stir until completely blended.
  • Finally Strain and serve. if you like you can pour milk (mm Taste Creamy)

Some Bandrek with coconut meat. 

Wedang JAHE (ginger Warm drink)

Thi is one of Indonesian traditional drink that is easy to make it. Very Rich taste. and many benefits for our body. You have to try this.

So let's make


  • 1 liter water
  • 100 grams of ginger, peeled, crushed
  • 2 stalks lemongrass, crushed 
  • 2 pieces of pandan leaves
  • 200 grams of brown sugar

How to make

  • Boil water all the ingredients in a covered pot over low heat for 30 minutes. Lift and strain.
  • If you like, Pour milk.  and stir. Taste more delicious

There are several benefits of WEDANG JAHE :

  • Treating colds
  • Relieve nausea, heartburn and diarrhea.
  • Treat arthritis
  • Treat indigestion
  • Alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy
  • Prevent blood clots
  • Lowers bad cholesterol
  • Relieve stress because of the smell and taste have a calming effect.


This one of drink is very  famous foodstreet  in Indonesia. Anywhere in Indonesia this Drink is a lot sold. The taste is sweet, and fresh, making it a favorite drink for us. Indonesia is Tropical Country Indonesianfoody. And This Drink, It's suitable for us.
 So if you come to Indonesia, you will find this one drink anywhere and everywhere in Indonesia. And here's the recipe.

Ingredients :

  • 200 gr of young coconut meat, scraped
  • 200 gr kolang-kaling, boiled, sliced ​​thin
  • 200 grams of fresh seaweed
  • 200 grams of Cincau, diced
  • 200 gr tapai cassava, cut into pieces
  • Crushed ice to taste
  • 200 cc of sweet milk
  • 400 cc red syrup (cocopandan syirup)
  • 200 grams of melon, small round shape small
  • 200 gr jackfruit, tiny little pieces
  • Strawberries, to taste

How to Make Ice Mix:

  • Prepare a bowl or cup for ice mix.
  • Put 2 tablespoons of young coconut meat, 2 tablespoons kolang kaling, 2 tbsp tapai cassava, 2 tablespoons Cincay, and 2 tablespoons of seaweed.
  • add fruit (melon, jackfruit, strawberries) to taste.
  • Add crushed ice to taste, then  pour red syrup on top.
  • pour 1-3 tablespoons sweetened milk. Serve

This is kolang kaling (Nature Jelly of Indonesian)

From this Fruits

And This is Cincau and Tapai of Cassava

Hasil gambar untuk Cincau

Hasil gambar untuk tapai


This refreshing drink is now again happening in Indonesia, fresh taste delicious and typical. This drink is a blend of western flavor, cappucino (italy) and Cincau (Indonesia) from the west. Cincau has make from Janggelan leaves. The smell and taste typical chewy fits perfectly with cappucino.
And very easy to make it at Home.

25 grams of powdered cappuccino
1 tablespoon sugar (or to taste)
1 tablespoon milk chocolate
1 tbsp white milk
100 ml of hot water
150 ml of plain boiled water (room temperature)
some ice cubes
50 grams of Cincau, thiny slice.

How to make:

  • Blend instant cappuccino, ice cubes of sugar and milk with a little hot water.
  • Pour into serving glasses, add Cincau and done...
This is Cincau
Resep Cara Membuat Cincau Hitam 

from this leaves

Teh Tarik

Let's make a Indonesian simple drink . Teh tarik.


  • 1 tsp black tea 
  • 200 ml of hot water 
  • 20 ml of sweet milk 

How to make:

  • Mix the tea with hot water, cool and strain. 
  • Mix cold tea, sweet milk, shaker. 
  • Beat until frothy tea, put in a glass. Serve.


Bajigur is one of the famous drinks Indonesia. Bajigur is warm drinks, maybe like cappuccino, but made ​​of coconut milk, and fill many complementary. such as Tapai Singkong (fermented cassava), young coconut meat,kolang kaling and others.


  • 500 ml coconut milk from half coconut  
  • 85 grams of brown sugar, finely sliced 
  • 12.5 grams of ginger, crushed 
  • 2  pandan leaves
  • 1/2 tsp coffee powder 
  • 150 gr kolang kaling, thinly sliced 
  • 1 btr young coconut 
  • 125 gr fermented cassava, cut into pieces

How to Make:

  • Cook the coconut milk, brown sugar, ginger and pandan leaves, cook with medium heat, stirring. 
  • Add coffee powder, Stir well. 
  • Enter kolang kaling, cook until boiling, remove from heat. 
  • Put 1 tbsp of coconut and 1 tbsp fermented cassava in glass or bowl, pour the coconut milk coffee.
  • enjoy it at night or rain.. cold weather.

In Indonesia. Bajigur usually drink with "gorengan" (vegetable fried like tempura) like this.. 

it's kolang kaling

Dawet Spinach

wow so hot weather in Indonesia. m .. we need a fresh cold drink. and is a traditional cold drink thats perfectly with today's weather. Its'name "Dawet"

Dawet is something like Jely, but it's more chewy and usually served with coconut sugar. It sweet and fresh. I love it. And now we make it with Spinach for green color

let's make


250 grams of spinach leaves boiled, mashed
75 g flour hunkwe
50 g of rice flour
600 ml coconut milk
1 tablespoon powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 liter of cold water to soak dawet
Syrup of palm sugar sauce:

250 grams of brown sugar
100 gr sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
300 ml of water
1 sheet of pandan leaves, conclude
5 jackfruit, cut lengthwise

Coconut milk Sauce:

500 ml coconut milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 pieces of pandan leaves
1/4 tsp vanilla essens

Complement: Ice Cubes

How to Make:

  • Dawet: Mix all ingredients except cold water, and cook until smooth, remove from heat. print batter through a sieve dawet disposed in cold water while holding press. do until the dough runs out. 
  • Syrup of palm sugar sauce: Mix all the ingredients except the jack fruit, cook until boiling, remove from heat and strain. add jackfruit, stir well. 
  • Coconut milk sauce: Mix all ingredients, and cook until boiling, remove from heat. 
  • Put dawet in serving glasses, then add the sauce syrup of palm sugar and coconut milk, and ice cubes if desired. serve.

es cincau hijau (Ice Cincau Green)

Wow, Indonesia re-heats this afternoon. huh heat until it burned. so wait no more, let's make a fresh drink. That's Es cincau hijau (Ice Cincau Green)


2 packs of Cincau
500 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut
1 sheet of pandan leaves
1 tsp salt

Syrup of palm sugar:

     250 gr palm sugar
     50 grams sugar
     250 ml of water
     4 pandan leaves

How to make:

  1. Syrup of palm sugar: boil water, brown sugar, granulated sugar and pandan leaves over low heat. After boiling and dissolved, remove from heat and let cool strain.
  2. Cook the coconut milk with pandan leaves and salt, stir, remove from heat and let cool.
  3. Prepare the glass. Enter tCincau jelly. Put ice cubes, syrup of palm sugar and coconut milk. and drink together. hahh.. it feels really fresh 
 This is Cincau (green jelly)

This jelly from this leaves

Es Cendol (Cendol ice)

Wah .. wah, Indonesia weather is hot. hm .. after the last one discusses the Indonesian sweet cak . let's let a moment , we quench our thirst to making the fresh drinks .The Cold Drink and Fresh. The name is Cendol. It So fresh, sweet and delicious . Suitable for the Hot Wheather  is now . 
So let's let's make it

750 ml of water  from suji leaf
1 teaspoon water from kapur sirih
1pack hunkwe flour
500 grams of brown sugar, sliced
250 ml of water
800 ml coconut milk 
2 tsp salt
2 piece pandan leave300 gr fermented cassava, cut into pieces
300 grams of jackfruit, cut into pieces
Ice cubes to taste

How to Make:

  1. Mix water suji and water from Kapur sirih, and pour water again, stir and strain.
  2. add the flour hunkwe, stir well and cook over medium heat, stirring until thick and bubbling, remove from heat.
  3. Print hunkwe dough using cendol mold, soak in cold water, let it cool.
  4. Cook the brown sugar with the water until the sugar is destroyed, then lift the filter. Cool and set aside.
  5. Cook the coconut milk, salt and pandan leaves to a boil while stirring. Remove and set aside.
  6. Take some of the serving glasses, put fermented cassava, cendol and jackfruit.
  7. Pour coconut milk, put the ice cubes, then pour the sugar water. And Enjoy it.. hm.. fresh
 This Panda leafs

 This hungkwe Flour

This is Cendol Mold

Take the hungkwe dough and press

Cendol done

This is Kapur sirih (mix with water, and wait a minutes, and take just the water)