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Es Cendol (Cendol ice)

Wah .. wah, Indonesia weather is hot. hm .. after the last one discusses the Indonesian sweet cak . let's let a moment , we quench our thirst to making the fresh drinks .The Cold Drink and Fresh. The name is Cendol. It So fresh, sweet and delicious . Suitable for the Hot Wheather  is now . 
So let's let's make it

750 ml of water  from suji leaf
1 teaspoon water from kapur sirih
1pack hunkwe flour
500 grams of brown sugar, sliced
250 ml of water
800 ml coconut milk 
2 tsp salt
2 piece pandan leave300 gr fermented cassava, cut into pieces
300 grams of jackfruit, cut into pieces
Ice cubes to taste

How to Make:

  1. Mix water suji and water from Kapur sirih, and pour water again, stir and strain.
  2. add the flour hunkwe, stir well and cook over medium heat, stirring until thick and bubbling, remove from heat.
  3. Print hunkwe dough using cendol mold, soak in cold water, let it cool.
  4. Cook the brown sugar with the water until the sugar is destroyed, then lift the filter. Cool and set aside.
  5. Cook the coconut milk, salt and pandan leaves to a boil while stirring. Remove and set aside.
  6. Take some of the serving glasses, put fermented cassava, cendol and jackfruit.
  7. Pour coconut milk, put the ice cubes, then pour the sugar water. And Enjoy it.. hm.. fresh
 This Panda leafs

 This hungkwe Flour

This is Cendol Mold

Take the hungkwe dough and press

Cendol done

This is Kapur sirih (mix with water, and wait a minutes, and take just the water)

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