Home » » Bawang Merah (Red Onion)

Bawang Merah (Red Onion)

Bawang merah or Red onion ( Allium cepa L. Aggregatum Group ) is a plant that is to be the spice of various cuisines of Southeast Asia and the world . Javanese people know him as scallions . The most widely used are tubers , although some culinary traditions also use the leaves and flower stalks as food seasonings . This plant is thought to have come from Central Asia and South East Asia .The red onion is one of the onion that is often used in Indonesian cuisine. Distinctive smell and taste that always gives aroma, making it one seasoning that will always be present in Indonesian cuisine .Indonesian people really like this one seasoning ingredient . And usually they always add it to add flavor and aroma . Bakso and Soto which is a favorite food Indonesian people did not escape the touch of spice on this one .It is small in size , and do not like the onions are used mostly foreign cuisine . But for people who really understand the Indonesia Indonesia, will say that " this is the best onion for Indonesian cuisine " and I Aggree about that .Indonesian cuisine rich in flavor and aroma . and this is the typical onion always used our society . Whatever the Indonesian cuisine onions will always be present , to complement our cuisine .


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