AYAM BETUTU (Grilled Chiken of Bali Island)

AYAM BETUTU (Grilled Chiken of Bali Island)
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Ayam Betutu (Betutu chicken) is a side dish made of one whole chickens containing seasoning, Bali island Spices. Ayam Betutu (Betutu chicken) is cooked with roasted in the husk fire or embers are usually dumped on the ground in a relatively long time. This delicious dish is usually used as offerings in religious rites and ceremonies in Bali....

Sambal Matah (Bali Sauce)

Sambal Matah (Bali Sauce)
This  is a popular Sambal in Bali dishes.If you like spicy dishes, must try this Sambal. It is suitable for grilled fish or grilled chicken. Very easy to make. Ingredients Red chili  10 pieces. Chopped 8 cloves Red onion. Chopped 2 cloves of garlic. Chopped 1 lemongrass opened, discard outer old enough to take part in white and then chopped Terasi (Shrimp paste) ½ teaspoon.  lime...