One more richness of Indonesian cuisine, from Yogyakarta, the name of this delicious food is Jadah Tempe. Jadah tempe is a simple meal on the slopes of Merapi precisely in Kaliurang. This food is simple combination, That is Jadah with Tempe Bacem . Jadah is a food substitute for rice to accompany Tempe bacem and the taste is different. Chewy and sweet spices In the area of ​​Kaliurang, typical...


This dish has a variety of names in Indonesia. Some call Abon tempe (Shredded tempeh), then Kering Tempe (dried tempeh), or other. Like chips, but not chips. It was sweet, savory and crunchy. Hm..So thi is a Receip. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Ingredients: 300 grams of tempeh, sliced ​​thin, fried dry 1 tablespoon fried onion 2 large green chilies, sliced ​​oblique,...


Krecek is the designation for KERUPUK (crackers) made from cow skin, goat or buffalo skin. krecek taste is very distinctive. Crispy savory and if cooked into a Sambal taste is going to turn into a soft and chewy texture. and here's the recipe. Ingredients 200 g krecek  200 ml of the diluted coconut milk ½ coconut 2 tbsp oil for frying 5 large red chilies, thinly sliced 5 cm galangal,...

Tempe Tahu Bacem ( Fermented Tofu and Tempeh )

Tempe Tahu Bacem  ( Fermented Tofu and Tempeh )
Bacem is a way to preserve food processing products in Yogyakarta. Bacem means soaked in sugar or salt water in order to be durable foodstuffs. And usually yogya people  like making Tempe and Tofu for bacem.It was delicious and savory So Let's Make it Ingredients: 4 cut Tofu size 5 x 5 x 2 cm or according to taste 4 slices of tempeh size of 5 x 5 x 2 cm or according to taste Seasoning: 1...

Ayam Bacem ( Chicken Bacem)

Ayam Bacem ( Chicken Bacem)
let's cook a delicious chicken from Yogyakarta. That is Ayam bacem. Ingridients: 1 kg chicken, cut and clean  2 cm galangal, crushed  2 eyes tamarind  3 salam leaves  600 ml of coconut water  1 teaspoon soy sauce  1 stalk lemongrass crushed  Seasoning mashed: 4 red onions  3 cloves garlic  1 tsp coriander  2 hazelnut  2...

Opor Ayam (chicken opor)

Opor Ayam (chicken opor)
This dish is a dish that will always be present when Eid day arrives later. This cuisine fry the coconut milk with spices. the basic ingredients of chicken. It was savory and delicious. and is very well suited to Ketupat which is one dish Eid Ingredients: 1 chicken, cut into 8 pieces 3 tablespoons cooking oil 3 cm galangal, crushed 3 stalks lemongrass, crushed 3 sheets of orange leaves 4 bay leaves 600...