This one dish is perfect for breakfast. Quite nutritious and taste good. You should try it. Indonesian-style breakfast Ingredients:     400 grams of white rice     150 grams of coconut, grated rough     3 tablespoons cooking oil Mashed Spices:     4  garlic     3 pieces of cayenne pepper    ...


Pindang is a dish that is usually steamed or boiled with various herbs and spices. Pindang usually use fish or other seafood such as shrimp, crabs, and other shellfish. Many kind of Pindang in. One of them is Pindang Serani. Pindang Serani have a sour taste, fresh, savory and delicious served with warm rice matching (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Ingredients 550...


Soto Tangkar is one of  kind Soto. Many also call its Soto Betawi. It was like another Soto in Indonesia. Rich spices and rich flavor. Ingredients so a lot and I think will make you very satisfied.Ingredients:    250 grams of beef    500 grams of beef offal (tripe, stomach, liver), you can skip it, if you don't like  it    500...

Asinan Jakarta (pickles of Jakarta)

Asinan Jakarta (pickles of Jakarta)
This dish is perfect for those of you who are on a diet or vegetarian. a lot of the ingredients using many variety of vegetables. Of course, it's also delicious. So Let's make this healthy dish. Ingredients: 10 leaves of lettuce  4 leaves of cabbage  4 pieces of cucumber  2 piece tofu  2 Salted Spinach 1/2 cup roasted peanuts  1/2 ounce melinjo chips  1...

nasi goreng gila (Crazy Fried Rice)

nasi goreng gila (Crazy Fried Rice)
This is an Indonesian food that is familiar in the world. Nasi Goreng (fried rice). But this time there was a little bit different from the usual Nasi goreng. That is nasi goreng gila (crazy fried rice). Why are named like that? I do not know, I just know, if you try it, You want again.. again.. and again .. Let's make it. Ingridients 1 plate of white rice  1 egg  1...

gurami kuah pucung (carp pucung Sauce)

gurami kuah pucung (carp pucung Sauce)
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); very nice, and delicious.. so lets make it.. Ingredients: 500 grams of carp, cut into pieces 3 cloves of garlic, mashed 1 teaspoon ground coriander 1 lime fruit 2 tsp salt 2 stalks lemongrass, crushed 2 bay leaves 4 kaffir lime leaves 3 cm galangal, crushed 400 ml of water 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp sugar 1 tomato cut into pieces 1 leek, cut into...

Soto Mie Jakarta

Soto Mie Jakarta
welcome to the Indonesian capital city of Jakarta. And let's try one of the delicious culinary is soto mie jakarta. Soto mie is one type of cuisine, including the type of soup Indonesia. Soto is one of the fry foods with savory flavors and savory. and one type of soto is Soto mie Jakarta. So let's make it Ingredients: kikil (Skin of meat) Complement: wet noodle Cabbage, thinly sliced Risol, being...

Sop Buntut (Tail Beef Soup)

Sop Buntut (Tail Beef Soup)
This dish comes from indigenous Betawi Jakarta is. This dish is very distinctive and well liked in Indonesia. It was tasty and very fresh     Ingredients needed : 500 grams of beef tail  750 ml of  water  125 grams of potatoes  75 grams of fresh carrots Spices that are  3 tablespoons red onion slices  1 tablespoon pepper powder 1 tablespoon coarse Pala...

Kerak Telur (egg crust)

 Kerak Telur (egg crust)
This is one of the favorite dishes of jakarta. This dish is very famous one. in addition to this dish is the hallmark of the city of Jakarta, this dish also has a taste that is so savory and delicious, especially enjoyed while still in the warm. hm .. very delicious. span style="background-color: white;" title="bila engkau berkunjung ke jakarta, maka kamu wajib menikmati hidangan ini.     ">when...