BIHUN GORENG JAWA (fried rice noodles from Java)

BIHUN GORENG JAWA (fried rice noodles from Java)
This one dish, is a blend of two cultures of China and Java. Rice noodles from China, And the spices from Java. I'm sure, you will like this dish. savory and sweet taste. Ingredients: Bihun (rice Noodles) 200 grams, brewed with hot water. and drain Cabbage: 5 pieces, Slice thin Vegetable oil to taste    Mashed seasoning: 3 cloves of garlic. 5 Red onions  ...


Actually it seems like satay . Bakso also have a lot of variety in Indonesia . but this time we will discuss about the original version of Bakso . This is a typical Indonesian cuisine is very loved by Indonesian society . the taste is very savory with a variety of stuffing . if you come to Indonesia you should and must enjoy this cuisine  Ingredients 1 kg of ground beef  1 cup cornflour 6...

Sate pentul (Pentul Satay)

Sate pentul (Pentul Satay)
Speaking of yesterday we have that there are many types of satay in Indonesia, well one of them coming from the satay pentull cirebon  Satay this one different forms and its processing, but still call it satay  for Indonesian people. They are said satay pentul is satay because this dish is served with a bamboo stick like satay.  This dish has a savory flavor and rich - rich in...

Sate Maranggi (Maranggi Satay)

Sate Maranggi (Maranggi Satay)
Sate Maranggi - this is one of the most famous satay in Purwakarta , and has also entered in the culinary event on tv . Ingredients to make Sate Maranggi :  750 gram of beef  diced like box 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 tsp vegetable oil 5 tablespoons soy sauce 25 puncture of bamboo skewers select the texture is not too thick   Spices :  2 tablespoons brown sugar   4 tbsp coriander...

Sate ayam Ponorogo (Chicken Satay Ponorogo)

Sate ayam Ponorogo (Chicken Satay Ponorogo)
This one kind of another satay from Java. Ponorogo area precisely. and the name is Sate ayam Ponorogo (Chicken Satay Ponorogo) Ingredients:   1 whole chicken, remove bones, diced   Seasoning:      2 cm Turmeric, crushed      5 Garlic, crushed      Red onion 5 cloves, crushed      1 tsp coriander, mashed...