Sambal Dabu Dabu is famous chili recipe from Manado, North Sulawesi. This sauce is usually used as a complement to grilled fish or another grilled seafood. ok this recipe Ingredients : 7 shallots 2 fresh tomatoes (seeded and cut into like box) 15 cayenne 1 lemon / lime sugar, salt, and flavor (taste) 5 tablespoons cooking oil How to Make: First sliced all the ingredients Heat oil  and...

Bubur Manado (Manado porridge)

Bubur Manado (Manado porridge)
The pride of the people he Manado porridge. tastes delicious and is made from a variety of fresh vegetables. you should try it, because the food is very healthy don suitable for you who are losing weight. let's make it ingredients: 100 g of rice 750 ml of water 1 sheet of pandan leaves 2 stalks lemongrass, crushed 1 tsp salt 150 grams of shelled sweet corn 250 g pumpkin, cut into cubes 1 bunch...